How to check Tesla battery health

Posted by Jeff Hall on

In the world of electric vehicles, battery health is crucial to overall performance, efficiency, and longevity. Tesla owners, in particular, can take comfort in the fact that the renowned automaker is continually working to optimize battery health and performance. But how can you, as a Tesla owner, learn how to check Tesla battery health and what can you do to prolong its life? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the intricacies of Tesla battery health, providing insights, tips, and actionable advice for maintaining your battery at peak performance.

How to check Tesla battery health

Key takeaways

  • Understanding Tesla battery health is essential for maximizing performance, range and resale value.

  • Proper charging habits, temperature control, and usage patterns can help maintain battery health while regular software updates and diagnostics identify potential issues.

  • Advances in battery technology are revolutionizing the electric vehicle industry providing improved performance and longevity for Tesla owners.

Understanding Tesla battery health

How to check Tesla battery health

The health of your Tesla battery is crucial as it directly affects your car’s performance, range, and resale value. While Tesla’s battery management system is designed to optimize performance and prolong lifespan, gaining a grasp of what influences battery health can assist in keeping it efficient.

Tesla's battery health, in essence, refers to the performance and capacity of the battery as it ages, including those in a battery pack. Monitoring your battery’s condition is essential to ensure optimal performance.

What is battery health?

Battery health refers to the capacity and performance of a battery over time as it ages. It is affected by various factors such as:

  • Temperature.

  • Depth of discharge.

  • Recharge rate.

  • Driving conditions.

A new battery health percentage can be used to compare the current battery capacity with its original capacity, providing insights into the extent of battery degradation.

Importance of maintaining good battery health

Preserving good battery health is a key element of optimal vehicle performance and long life. A well cared for battery allows your Tesla to function efficiently and economically, assisting in planning for battery replacement, evaluating the vehicle’s value for resale, and adjusting charging habits to extend battery lifespan.

Hence, routine monitoring of your Tesla’s battery health and embracing practices that enhance its energy efficiency and lifespan are recommended.

Factors affecting battery health

Battery health is influenced by a variety of factors, including charging habits, temperature, and usage patterns. For instance, avoiding full discharges, charging to only 80% when possible, and using the recommended charging rate can optimize Tesla battery life. Additionally, extreme temperatures may accelerate battery degradation, resulting in diminished range and capacity.

Regular software updates and diagnostics can help identify potential battery issues and assist in sustaining its condition.

Methods for assessing Tesla battery health

How to check Tesla battery health

For your Tesla to operate at its peak, regular assessment of the battery’s health is vital. Numerous methods are available for gauging Tesla battery health, such as comparing range, using charging data, and utilizing Tesla’s health check.

In the subsequent sections, we will delve into these methods more deeply, assisting you in keeping your Tesla battery in pristine condition.

Comparing displayed range to EPA-rated range

One simple way to assess your Tesla battery health is by comparing the displayed range to the EPA-rated range. If the displayed range is notably lower than the EPA-rated range, it implies that the battery’s capacity has diminished over time. This comparison enables Tesla owners to monitor the health of their battery and determine if any degradation has occurred.

Noting the "+kWh" amount when charging

Another method for assessing Tesla battery health is by monitoring the “+kWh” amount during charging. The “+kWh” amount denotes the aggregate energy supplied to the Tesla battery during charging, quantified in kilowatt-hours (kWh).

Keeping an eye on this value can provide valuable insights into your battery’s health and performance.

Using Tesla's battery health check

For a comprehensive assessment of your Tesla battery’s health, you can utilize Tesla’s battery health check feature, which is accessible via the Tesla mobile app. By regularly checking your battery’s health through this feature, you can stay informed about its condition and take any necessary actions to maintain its performance.

How to check Tesla battery health

Entering service mode with access code

To access Tesla’s service mode, simply follow these steps:

  1. Hold down the Tesla Model 3 logo on your vehicle’s touchscreen.

  2. Enter “service” as the access code.

  3. Once you’ve entered the service mode, you can navigate to the battery health test option.

Navigating to the battery health test option

How to check Tesla battery health

Within the service mode menu, you can navigate to the battery health test option by holding up the turn stalk and pressing the brake while placing your Tesla key card in the Tesla's center console. This will allow you to access the battery health test and gather valuable information about your battery’s performance and capacity.

Starting the battery health test using the Tesla key card

To initiate the battery health test, simply tap the "OK" button on the touchscreen once you’ve placed your Tesla key card in the center console and activated the right turn signal. The test will then provide you with an overview of your battery’s health, including its remaining capacity, range, and other relevant data.

Interpreting battery health test results

How to check Tesla battery health

Having conducted a Tesla battery health test, comprehending how to interpret the results is vital. The upcoming sections will discuss different aspects of the test results, including battery health percentage, range test results, and high voltage and temperature readings.

Battery health percentage

The battery health percentage in a Tesla battery health test indicates the estimated remaining capacity of the battery, which is an indication of how much of the original capacity the battery can still hold. A lower percentage would suggest that the battery has experienced degradation, while a higher percentage implies that the battery is still performing optimally.

Range test results

Range test results can provide valuable insights into your Tesla’s real world performance. By comparing the current maximum range of the battery to the rated range when the car was new, you can calculate the percentage change in range to determine the battery’s health.

High voltage and temperature readings

High voltage readings in a Tesla battery health test suggest that the battery is operating at a higher voltage than usual, which may be indicative of a potential issue. Temperature readings indicate the temperature of the battery, and elevated temperatures can reduce battery performance and longevity.

If you notice high voltage or temperature readings during your battery health test, it may be worth investigating further to ensure optimal battery performance.

Tips for prolonging Tesla battery life

How to check Tesla battery health

Promoting your Tesla battery’s longevity necessitates deliberate effort and following recommended practices. This section will go over tips for extending your Tesla battery’s lifespan, which include proper charging habits, avoiding high temperatures, and staying updated with regular software patches and diagnostics.

Good charging practices

Developing good charging habits can help maintain your Tesla battery’s health and extend its lifespan. Here are some tips to follow:

  1. Avoid keeping the battery at a charge level below 20% for an extended period of time.

  2. Charge the battery to the appropriate limit for your needs.

  3. Limit the use of supercharging, particularly at high powered superchargers, to help reduce battery degradation.

By following these tips, you can ensure optimal performance and longevity for your Tesla battery.

Avoiding excessive temperatures

Avoiding excessive temperatures is crucial in maintaining your Tesla battery’s health. As high temperatures can accelerate battery degradation and diminish its range and capacity, it is essential to protect your battery from extreme heat.

Parking your Tesla in a shaded area or using a sunshade can help reduce the temperature inside the vehicle and protect the battery.

Regular software updates and diagnostics

Staying up to date with software updates and conducting regular diagnostics can help optimize your Tesla battery’s performance. Software updates can enhance the battery management system and address potential issues, ensuring that your battery operates at its best.

Regular diagnostics can also help identify any potential problems before they escalate, allowing you to take the necessary steps to maintain your battery’s health.

Common issues and warning signs

How to check Tesla battery health

Awareness of common problems and warning signals related to Tesla battery health can guide you in taking proactive steps to sustain your battery’s performance. This section will cover some typical issues and warning signs you may come across, such as sudden range reduction, erratic charging behavior, and odd noises or vibrations during charging.

Sudden loss of range

A sudden loss of range may indicate battery degradation in your Tesla vehicle. Over time, batteries in electric vehicles like Teslas can experience a decrease in their overall capacity, resulting in a sudden loss of range where the vehicle is no longer able to travel as far on a single charge as it used to.

Inconsistent charging behavior

Inconsistent charging behavior can be a sign of battery health issues in your Tesla. If you notice irregular charging patterns, such as inaccurate display of charge level or difficulty charging, it could indicate a problem with the battery or charging system.

Monitoring and addressing any unusual charging behavior is crucial for maintaining your battery’s health and longevity.

Unusual noises or vibrations during charging

Unusual noises or vibrations during charging may signal potential problems with your Tesla battery. While some noises and vibrations are normal during the charging process, excessive or unusual noises should be investigated to ensure optimal battery performance.

If you observe abnormal sounds or vibrations during charging, it’s advisable to have your Tesla inspected by a professional.

What to expect with Tesla battery degradation

While battery degradation is an unavoidable facet of owning an electric vehicle, knowing what to expect can aid in better preparation and handling of the process. Now, we'll delve into Tesla battery degradation and recent strides in battery technology that persist in enhancing battery performance and lifespan.

Expected degradation rates

The expected degradation rates for Tesla batteries vary depending on the model and usage patterns. On average, Tesla batteries experience a 1-2% degradation rate per year, with a slightly quicker rate during the first 50,000 miles.

It’s important to note that individual results may vary, and factors such as driving conditions and charging habits can influence the degradation rate of your Tesla battery.

Advances in battery technology

Recent advances in battery technology continue to improve battery performance and longevity for electric vehicles, including the Tesla Model. Developments such as solid state batteries, graphene batteries, and new materials for rapid charging are just a few examples of the innovations that are reshaping the electric vehicle landscape.

As battery technology continues to evolve, Tesla owners can expect even better performance and longevity from their batteries in the future.


In conclusion, understanding Tesla battery health and adopting best practices can significantly impact your vehicle’s performance, range, and longevity. By monitoring battery health, following good charging practices, managing temperature, and staying updated with software updates and diagnostics, you can ensure that your Tesla battery remains in optimal condition. As battery technology continues to advance, the future of electric vehicle performance and sustainability looks brighter than ever. Stay informed, drive smart, and enjoy the ride!

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if my Tesla battery is healthy?

To check the health of your Tesla battery, navigate to the "service" menu window and hit “enable” before clicking on “battery high voltage.” This will display the amount of batteries you have and their current health.

What factors affect Tesla battery health?

Charging habits, temperature, and usage patterns all have an effect on the health of a Tesla battery, making it important to be mindful of these factors when driving.

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